Master of Music (MA) | Performing Diploma | 音樂碩士 | 演奏級
Eric, the pianist and violinist, obtained the Bachelor and Master degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was under the tutelage of Professor Nancy Loo in piano performing during his undergraduate studies and learnt violin from Wan Hoi Yin at early age. With excellent academic result, he received scholarship from college and went to University of California, Berkeley to study Popular Music. He also attended masterclasses from Alexandre Tsomaia, Daniel Herscovitch, Joel Smirnoff, Trey Lee and performed in Gallant Ho masterclass recently.
As an active soloist, chamber and orchestral musician in Hong Kong, Eric had the opportunity to perform as a piano soloist in the Lecture Recital “In Dialogue With Death”. He performed with Asian Youth Orchestra in its 25th Anniversary Concert under the baton of Richard Pontzious & James Judd, which was described as one of the best youth orchestras by the San Francisco Chronicle. He also had the privilege to perform together with Hong Kong String Orchestra, and was a member of Ponte Orchestra. With strong leadership and deep understanding in orchestral work, he was entitled as the Concertmaster in his Alma Mater symphonic night concert. He had performed with prestigious soloists, such as violinist Jue Yao, cellist Laurent Perrin and collaborated with artists, including Alan Tam & Hacken Lee in his career.
Being passionate in music education, Eric focused his study in piano & strings pedagogy since undergraduate with Dr Poon Kiu-tung & Dr Annie Mok. With board teaching experiences, he was appointed to be the orchestral conductor in various local schools and obtaining numerous HKSMF awards in Vocal & Strings Ensemble. His private students have also continuously achieved excellent result in ABRSM Examinations and obtained awards in different competitions . Eric was also a registered social worker, specializing in working with SEN children, including Dyslexia, ASD & ADHD. His unique background equipped him to become a student-friendly teacher by tailor-making lesson plans for students.
Eric於香港中文大學學士及音樂文學碩士畢業,師隨羅乃新教授研習鋼琴演奏,獲獎學金赴加州柏克萊大學 (UCB) 修讀流行音樂,並出席不同大師班,如李垂誼、何珈樑等。屢擔樂團首席,曾與多個樂團同台演出,參與香港弦樂團、亞青管弦樂團部分演出,並與姚珏、理查·龐信、詹姆斯·朱特等著名獨奏家及指揮家合作,並擔任香港中文大學講座音樂會的鋼琴獨奏家。Eric早年師隨雲凱弦習小提琴,並隨潘曉彤博士及莫安妮博士鑽研鋼琴及弦樂教學法,曾於多間學校擔任樂團指揮,並帶領不同學校於校際音樂節的聲樂及弦樂比賽中獲獎。